As semiconductor devices evolve, smaller and smaller feature sizes are required to achieve the performance desired by the consumer. Smaller features give rise to lower power consumption for mobile..
As semiconductor devices evolve, smaller and smaller feature sizes are required to achieve the performance desired by the consumer. Smaller features give rise to lower power consumption for mobile..
Cost of ownership plays an important role in lithography process materials and methods decisions. Process simplifications brought about by layer-to-layer synergy drive significant cost of ownership..
Fabrication of microelectronic devices increasingly involves the creation of high-aspect-ratio structures (those with large height or depth and narrow width, such as trenches, vias, columns, and..
New lithographic compositions, for use as middle layers in trilayer processes resist processes can be applied as very thin films with a very thin layer of photoresist being applied to the top of the..
The demand for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) requiring tall structure designs, as well as the increased density and performance expectations from the IC industry, are driving the need to..
At Brewer Science, our customer relationships don’t end when you buy materials and equipment. Because we want to work hand-in-hand to get your processes perfect, we’ve empowered an extensive applications and support team to help with all your processing needs.